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This new edition of the book presents a fresh and accessible description of the Dutch language, supported throughout by diagrams, illustrations and lively examples. 1 Language, Grammar and Linguistic Theory 1 2 Word Categories 4 2.1 The Lexicon 4 2.2 Categories 5 2.3 Morphological criteria for determining category 6 2.4 Distribution 8 3 A Typology of Word Categories 10 3.1 Categorial features 11 3.2 Predicates and arguments 15 3.3 Grammatical aspects of meaning 17 Essential Grammar In Use (2nd edition 1997).pdf. Essential Grammar In Use (2nd edition 1997).pdf. Sign In. Details English Grammar Lessons Feel free to download, re-use, or share the following English grammar lessons with your friends, colleagues, or students.
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